Bank Account Object

This page describes the parameters available in the bank account object.
The bank account object contains the data about the end-user's bank account used for receiving FIAT currency from the Sell trades that the end-user completes.

idIntegerIdentifier for the bank account
accountObjectObject with additional information about the bank account.
nameStringOptional name for the trader to identify the account.
bicStringFor sepa and international its the SWIFT / BIC number and for danish accounts its the REG number.
numberStringFor sepa and international it's the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). For danish accounts, it's the BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number).
currencyStringCurrency of the bank account
typebank account typeType of the bank account.
ffcStringFor further credit - only applicable for USD bank accounts and if required by trader's bank. If the end-user can get the data, it's highly recommended to provide it for a better chance of a successful bank transfer.
bankObjectObject with additional information about the bank.
nameStringName of the bank account holder.
addressObjectObject with information about the address of the bank.
cityStringCity where the bank is located.
streetStringStreet where the bank is located.
zipcodeStringZip code of the city where the bank is located.
countryStringISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Country of the bank.
stateString(Required for country US). State where the bank is located.
holderObjectObject with additional information about the bank account holder.
nameStringName of the bank account holder.
addressObjectObject with information about the address of the account holder.
cityStringCity where the the bank account holder is registered.
streetStringStreet address.
zipcodeStringZip/Postal code.
countryStringISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
stateStringState. (Required for country US)
traderIdIntegerID of the trader behind the bank account.
updateTimeISO 8601 timeThe time when the bank account was last updated. Not present if no update.
createTimeISO 8601 timeTimestamp for when this bank account was first created.

Bank account types

The bank accounts have three different types depending on the account currency (account.currency) and the bank country (

When creating a new bank account, you don't explicitly specify the type; instead Coinify decides the type for you, based on the requirements in the following table:

danishDanish national bank accountCountry must be DK and currency DKK.
sepaSEPA bank accountCountry must be in our list of SEPA countries, and currency must be EUR.
internationalInternational bank accountEverything else.

Here's an example of the bank account object:

    "id": 49404,
    "account": {
        "name": "My EUR bank account",
        "bic": "1001005",
        "number": "HR1210010051863000160",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "type": "sepa"
    "bank": {
        "name": null,
        "address": {
            "city": null,
            "street": null,
            "zipcode": null,
            "country": "HR",
            "state": "HR"
    "holder": {
        "name": "John Though",
        "address": {
            "city": "Exampleville",
            "street": "123 Example Street",
            "zipcode": "12345",
            "country": "HR",
            "state": "HR"
    "trader_id": "13450",
    "create_time": "2024-11-05T17:26:59.122Z"