Refresh Token authentication

The access token that you received upon authentication is only valid for 20 minutes, while the refresh token is valid for 24 hours.

This endpoint allows you to get a new refresh_token and access_token without requiring the user to re-authenticate by using a valid refresh_token previously retrieved from from one of the other Authentication methods (password or offline token).
You can also use a previously created refresh_token to fetch a new one, as long as the refresh_token you're providing is valid.

The default refresh_token value provided here is just an example. You can do a test by first authenticating as the end-user and getting the access_token via one of the authentication methods API response. Check Authentication methods.


Passing refresh_token to Trade Widget:

When the refresh_token is passed to the Trade Widget the Log in/Log out button is automatically removed from the Trade Widget menu to provide a better user experience. See Supported Trade Widget Query parameters.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!