Response body - Buy quote details

This page describes the parameters available in the API response of the Get-price-quote-details API endpoint in case of a Buy trade quote.

transferInObjectObject that contains transfer-in details of the trade.
sendAmountNumberThe amount the trader has to pay.
receiveAmountNumberThe amount we receive without the fees.
currencyStringThe currency of sendAmount and receiveAmount.
isMinimumHandlingFeeAppliedBooleanTrue if handling fee is the same as the minimum fee.
isMaximumHandlingFeeAppliedBooleanTrue if handling fee is the same as the maximum fee.
totalFeeNumberHandling fee + partner fee, same as the difference between sendAmount and receiveAmount.
handlingFeeNumberThe fee we charge for the payment.
partnerFeeNumberPartner fee (only present if enabled for partner).
transferOutObjectObject that contains transfer-out details of the trade.
sendAmountNumberThe amount before network fee.
receiveAmountNumberThe amount the trader receives.
currencyStringThe currency of sendAmount and receiveAmount.
networkFeeNumberNetwork fee for the transaction.
promoCodeValueObject{amount, currency} of the promo code value in FIAT (only present if promoCode is provided).
promoCodeRedeemedAmountObject{amount, currency} of the promo code value in Crypto (only present if promoCode is provided).
exchangeRateNumberExchange rate used for this trade.