Get trader/end-user information

This endpoint returns a trader object for your end-user, provided the end-user is Authenticated (Signed-in).

idIntegerID of the trader.
emailStringEmail address of the trader.
personalInformationObjectObject containing personal information (null until name of trader is set).
→nameStringName of the trader.
corporateDetailsObjectOnly applicable to corporate account type . Object containing corporate details. Will be null until corporate details is provided.
→nameStringName of the corporation/business as provider by Trader
isEmailVerifiedBooleanIndicates whether the end-user email has been verified or not.
identificationStateStringState of end-user's identity verification (KYC). Possible states are approved, N/A and pending. Applicable only to individual account type.
corporateDetailsStateStringState of traders corporate details. Possible state are approved, N/A and pending.
addressStateStringIndicates whether the end-user provided their address. Possibles states are approvedand pending.
addressObjectAddress information.
→postalCodeStringPostal Code.
kycInformationObjectKYC Information
→employmentStatusObjectEmployment Status.
→→answerStringEmployment Status answer.
→motivationObjectMotivation of using the platform.
→→answersStringAnswer for motivation of using the Coinify platform.
→sourceOfCashWealthObjectSource of Cash Wealth.
→→answersStringSource of Cash Wealth answer.
→sourceOfCryptoWealthObjectSource of Crypto Wealth.
→→answersStringSource of Crypto Wealth answer.
→usageObjectReasons for using Coinify platform.
→→answerStringAnswer for usage.
→expectedAnnualSellVolumeObjectExpected annual sell volume.
→→answerStringAnswer for the expected annual sell volume.
→expectedAnnualBuyVolumeObjectExpected annual buy volume.
→→answerStringAnswer for expected annual buy volume.
→personalWealthObjectSource of personal wealth.
→→answerStringAnswer for personal wealth.
sourceOfFundsStateStringIndicates whether the end-user provided their source of funds answer. Possible states are approved, N/A and pending.
kybStateStringState of KYB (Know Your Business) process. Possible states are approved, documents_requested, N/A and pending. Only applicable to corporate account type .
enhancedDueDiligenceStateStringState of trader’s Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD). If the trader is marked as high-risk, Coinify will perform the EDD and a questionnaire will be sent to the trader’s email address. Possible states are pending(meaning that no EDD process is in progress), questionnaire_sent, approved, or rejected
shareholderRelationStateStringIndicates the Shareholder Relation answer provided by the end-user during the Sign-up flow. Possible states are pending, related, not_related, N/A. Only applicable to corporate account type .
proofOfSourceOfFundsStateStringState of end-user's Proof of Source of Funds (PSOF). If the end-user accumulated a volume larger than 50000 EUR in Buy trades or 10000 EUR in Sell trades, Coinify system sends an email to the user with PSOF questionnaire and they won’t be allowed to trade until it is approved.
Possible states are approved, rejected, questionnaire_sent and pending(meaning, no PSOF is in progress).
enhancedProofOfSourceOfFundsStateStringState of end-user's Enhanced Proof of Source of Funds (EPSOF).
If the end-user accumulated a volume larger than 100000 EUR in Buy trades or 50000 EUR in Sell trades, Coinify system sends an email to the user with EPSOF questionnaire.
Possible states are a**pproved** and pending` (meaning, no EPSOF is in progress).
pepState StringIndicates the end-user's Politically Exposed Person (PEP) status as provided by the user on the Sign-up. Possible states are pep, non_pep, pep_relative, N/A and pending.
personalInformationStateStringState of the personal information - can be approved or not approved. Depends whether all the necessary personal information was provided.
canTradeBooleanDetermines whether the end-user can trade. Can be true or false. If there's any crucial information/documents missing that disable the end-user to trade on Coinify, it will show false.
profileObjectUser profile info.
→addressObjectAddress info.
consentAdditionalMailsBooleanDetermines whether the user consented to receive additional email from Coinify on the Sign-up flow. This is to comply with GDPR.
accountTypeStringIndicates the trader account type. Possible account types are individual and corporate.
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