Payment Methods resource

This section contains information about different payment methods to buy or sell cryptocurrencies.

Currently available payment methods:

Incoming transaction (Payment method)Outgoing TransactionDescription
cardblockchainBuy a cryptocurrency with a card transfer.
bankblockchainBuy a cryptocurrency with a bank transfer.
blockchainbankSell a cryptocurrency, receive FIAT via a bank transfer.

Payment method object

The object represents a single payment method, containing the information about how and with what currencies the money
transfer can and should be performed, and optionally the fees that are going to be applied to the amounts.

inMediumStringThe medium for the in transfer of the trade - by what way the customer pays
outMediumStringThe medium for the out transfer of the trade - what way the customer receives funds
inCurrenciesListThe possible currencies in which the incoming amount can be made, optionally filtered by request arguments
outCurrenciesListThe possible currencies in which the outgoing amount can be made, optionally filtered by request arguments
inFixedFeesObjectObject of inCurrencies and fixed fees for each currency for the in transfer.
inPercentageFeeFloatPercentage fee for the in transfer.
minimumInFeesObjectMinimum fee for the in transfer.
outFixedFeesObjectObject of outCurrencies and fixed fees for each currency for the out transfer.
outPercentageFeeFloatPercentage fee for the out transfer.
minimumOutFeesObjectMinimum fee for the out transfer.
minimumInAmountsObjectObject of inCurrencies and the minimum limit for each.
limitInAmountsObjectObject of inCurrencies and the trader's current limit for each currency, based on the current limits of the trader. Note: Only included for authenticated requests.
canTradeBooleanCan this trader create new trades for this payment method? Note: Only included for authenticated requests. If inCurrency, inAmount, outCurrency and outAmount are all provided in request, this value determines if a trade with the specific amounts/currencies can be made. Otherwise, this value determines if any trade can be made with this payment method.
cannotTradeReasonsList(Optional) List of reason objects why the trader cannot create new trades (why canTrade is false). Note: Only included for authenticated requests if canTrade is false.
inCurrencyString(Optional, if inCurrency parameter provided) Echo of inCurrency parameter.
inAmountFloat(Optional, if inAmount parameter provided) Echo of inAmount parameter.
outCurrencyString(Optional, if outCurrency parameter provided) Echo of outCurrency parameter.
outAmountFloat(Optional, if outAmount parameter provided) Echo of outAmount parameter.

cannotTradeReason object

This object represents a reason for why a trader cannot create a trade with a given payment method. The only field that is always present in the object is the reasonCode. Depending on the value of the reasonCode, other reason-specific fields may be present in the object.

reasonCodeStringMachine-readable code for the reason why the trade cannot create a trade. See possible reasonCode values for a list of possible values.

reasonCode values

reasonCode valueDescriptionExtra fields
forced_delayTrader must wait until a specific time before creating tradedelayEnd (string): ISO-8601 timestamp for when the delay is over.
trade_in_progressTrader must wait until a specific trade has completedtradeId (integer): ID of trade that must be completed
limits_exceededCreating trade would exceed the trader's limitsNone
country_not_supportedTrading is not currently supported in the trader's country. See supported countries for querying a partner's supported countries.None