Approximate quote resource

This endpoint returns the approximate quote for Buy or Sell trades, depending on the parameters specified in the API request. The API response contains the approximated value the customer will receive for the (buy or sell) trade they intend to create.



The approximated value is not the guaranteed value the customer will receive if they create the trade. However, the approximated quote strives to be as close to the actual final quote as possible based on the available data.

Request Parameters

These are all the available query parameters for the Approximate quote endpoint and their description (Note: depending on the type of the quote you want to fetch, you will not use all the available parameters in your requests):

baseAmountfloatAmount to get a price quote for. Used for Fees-on-top buy quotes and sell quotes. It's the amount the customer specified to spend for the trade.
Denominated in baseCurrency.
baseCurrencystringCurrency to get a quote for.
sendAmountfloatAmount to get a price quote for. Used only when fetching the Fees Included buy quote. Denominated in sendCurrency.
sendCurrencystringCurrency of the sendAmount.
quoteCurrencystringCurrency to get the quote for. It's the currency the customer requested to receive.
transferInMediumstringTransfer in medium. Specifies the incoming transaction type. See payment methods .
transferOutMediumstringTransfer out medium. Specifies the outgoing transaction type. See payment methods

Response Parameters

These are all the available response parameters received from the Approximate Quote API endpoint:



Depending on the type of the quote you're fetching and query parameters used in the request, some of the parameters might not be present in the API response. See the actual quote examples in the next two pages for more clarity.

baseAmountfloatIn the Fees-on-top type of request, represents the requested amount that customer specified to send. See how to do Fees-on-top price quote.
In the Fees Included type of request, represents the amount that is passed to the Trade Widget's URLbuyAmfount parameter in case of Trade Widget integration, or as the baseAmount parameter value in the Request Trade Price Quote API call in case of full Trade API integration. See how to do Fees Included approximate quote.
baseCurrencystringBase currency that customer specified to send.
sendAmountfloatRepresents the amount the customer specified to send for a trade. Available in the response only when fetching Fees Included buy quote.
sendCurrencystringCurrency of the sendAmount. Available only in the Fees Included buy quote.
quoteAmountfloatThe approximated amount the customer will receive on trade completion.
Use this value to show the final approximated quote the customer will receive when fetching the Fees-on-top price quote, (transferOut.feeAmount included in the amount).
When fetching the Fees Included buy quote, this value represents the quote for the requested currency, before the transferOut.feeAmount has been deducted.
quoteCurrencystringCurrency the customer specified to receive.
receiveAmountfloatThe approximated amount the customer will receive on trade completion. Use this value to show to the customer the final approximated quote they will receive for the specified trade when fetching Fees Included buy quote , (transferOut.feeAmount included in the amount)
receiveCurrencystringCurrency the customer specified to receive. Available only in the Fees Included buy quote
transferInobjectObject with details of the incoming transaction method (from the customer).
mediumstringType of the incoming transfer type (payment method) from the customer. Get available payment method types and supported currencies here.
feeAmountfloatIncoming transfer fee.
Added on top of buyAmfount /baseAmount on checkout in case of Fees-on-top price quote.
Deducted from the buyAmount/baseAmount specified by the customer in case of Fees Included price quote.
currencystringIncoming transfer currency.
transferOutobjectObject with details of the outgoing transfer method (to the customer).
mediumstringType of the outgoing transfer type (payment method) to the customer. Get available payment method types and supported currencies here .
feeAmountfloatOutgoing transfer fee. Already included in the quoteAmount/receiveAmount
currencystringOutgoing transfer currency.

The endpoint enables fetching two different types of Buy Trade approximate quote:


This flow ensures that the customer only pays the FIAT amount they have specified, with all the fees included in that amount.

In this quote type, the payment processing fee and your Partner fee (if applicable) are deducted from the FIAT amount the customer requested. The FIAT amount, after fees have been deducted, is converted to the cryptocurrency the customer specified to buy. The customer will spend exactly the FIAT amount they requested.


This flow ensures that the custmer receives the cryptocurrency equivalent of the FIAT amount they specify to spend.

In this scenario, both the payment processing fee (e.g., card or bank transfer fee) and your Partner fee (if applicable) are added on top of the total FIAT amount requested by the end user.

For example, if a customer wants to purchase 200 USD worth of USDT and the processing fee is 6 USD, the API returns the USD-to-USDT conversion for 200 USD, with the network transaction fee (transferOut.feeAmount) already deducted from the quoteAmount returned in the API response.
At checkout, the customer will be charged the sum of the baseAmount and the processing fee (transferIn.feeAmount). In this case, the customer pays a total of 206 USD and receives approximately 198.95 USDT after the network transaction fee has been deducted.

See trade quote for details and explanation of how to create an actual quote you can use to create a trade.



Both transferIn.medium and transferOut.medium have to be provided for transfer fees to be included.