Trade Quote Response object

This page describes the payload received in the API response of the Request-trade-price-quote endpoint.

idIntegerPrice quote identifier. Pass this identifier to the create trade endpoint to claim the offer. Note: Not included if anonymous (un-authenticated) request.
baseCurrencyStringCurrency (ISO 4217) denominating baseAmount, the known amount.
quoteCurrencyStringCurrency (ISO 4217) denominating quoteAmount, the unknown amount.
baseAmountFloatHow much of baseCurrency does this quote apply for?
quoteAmountFloatHow much of quoteCurrency is this quote? This is the "result", the price quote.
transferInObjecttransferIn object, only returned if provided in request
mediumStringTransfer medium
feeAmountFloatTransfer fee (Will be added on the trade)
transferOutObjecttransferOut object, only returned if provided in request
mediumStringTransfer medium
feeAmountFloatTransfer fee (Will be added on the trade)
issueTimeISO 8601 timeTimestamp for when this price quote was issued.
expiryTimeISO 8601 timeTimestamp for when this price quote expires.