General API Overview

The Trade Service API has predictable resource-oriented URLs.
It uses standard HTTP verbs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, and returns JSON-encoded responses.

When you make a request to our API, you will receive a JSON-encoded response. This means that the data returned by our API will be formatted in a way that is easy to parse and use in your own applications. JSON-encoded responses are widely supported by programming languages and frameworks, making it easy to integrate our API into your own codebase.

Status Codes

Status codes are a standard way for HTTP APIs to indicate the outcome of a requested operation. When you make a request to an API, the server will typically respond with a status code that informs you whether the request was successful or not.

The following table defines the status codes you may receive from our API:

HTTP Status CodeDescription
200Successful, with response data in JSON.
201Successful, with response data in JSON.
204Successful, empty response body.
400Failure, there was a problem with the request.
401Failure, there was a problem with the authentication.
403Failure, forbidden access.
404Failure, the specified resource was not found.
500Internal error.