Bank Accounts

This section contains the create, list, get and delete end-points of the bank accounts used when creating a trade and to make payouts:

Bank account object

Example of a bank account object:

  "id": 1234,
  "account": {
    "name": "my account",
    "type": "danish", // Type of bank account
    "currency": "DKK", // Currency of the bank account
    "bic": "HIASDMIASD", // Account bic/swift/reg number depending on the type
    "number": "1234-34235-3324-2342" // Account number
  "bank": {
    "address": {
      "country": "US"
  "holder": {
    "name": "John Doe", // Name of the account holder
    "address": { // Address of the account holder
      "street": "123 Example Street",
      "zipcode": "12345",
      "city": "Exampleville",
      "state": "CA",
      "country": "US"
  "update_time": "2016-04-01T12:27:36Z",
  "create_time": "2016-04-01T12:23:19Z"
idIntegerIdentifier for the bank account
accountObjectObject with additional information about the bank account.
nameStringOptional name for the trader to identify the account.
typebank account typeType of the bank account.
currencyStringCurrency of the bank account
bicStringFor sepa and international its the SWIFT / BIC number and for danish accounts its the REG number.
numberStringFor sepa and international it's the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). For danish accounts, it's the BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number).
ffcStringFor further credit - only applicable for USD bankaccounts and if required by traders bank
bankObjectObject with additional information about the bank.
addressObjectObject with information about the address of the bank.
    →countryStringISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
    →stateStringState (Required for country US).
holderObjectObject with additional information about the bank account holder.
nameStringName of the bank account holder.
addressObjectObject with information about the address of the account holder.
    →streetStringStreet address.
    →zipcodeStringZip/Postal code.
    →stateStringState. (Required for country US)
    →countryStringISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
updateTimeISO 8601 timeThe time when the bank account was last updated.
createTimeISO 8601 timeTimestamp for when this bank account was first created.

Bank account types

The bank accounts have three different types depending on the account currency (account.currency) and the bank country (

When creating a new bank account, you don't explicitly specify the type; instead Coinify decides the type for you, based on the requirements in the following table:

danishDanish national bank account Country must be DK and currency DKK.
sepaSEPA bank accountCountry must be in our list of SEPA countries, and currency must be EUR.
internationalInternational bank accountEverything else.

Create bank account

Example request to POST /bank-accounts

  "account": {
    "name": "my bank account",
    "currency": "DKK", // Currency of the bank account
    "bic": "6456", // Account REG number
    "number": "12345435345345" // Account number
  "bank": {
    "address": { // Address of the bank
      "country": "DK"
  "holder": {
    "name": "John Doe", // Name of the account holder
    "address": { // Address of the account holder
      "street": "123 Example Street",
      "zipcode": "12345",
      "city": "Exampleville",
      "state": "CA",
      "country": "US"

Example response for the above request

  "id": 12345, // Identifier of the bank account
  "account": {
    "name": "my bank account",
    "type": "danish", // Type of bank account
    "currency": "DKK", // Currency of the bank account
    "bic": "6456", // Account bic/swift/reg number depending on the type
    "number": "12345435345345" // Account number
  "bank": {
    "address": { // Address of the bank
      "country": "DK"
  "holder": {
    "name": "John Doe", // Name of the account holder
    "address": { // Address of the account holder
      "street": "123 Example Street",
      "zipcode": "12345",
      "city": "Exampleville",
      "state": "CA",
      "country": "US"
  "update_time": "2016-04-01T12:27:36Z",
  "create_time": "2016-04-01T12:23:19Z"


On success, the endpoint returns the newly created bank-account object.

Some of the fields are only required if the bank account is of type international see account-types.

How to create a bank account in Sandbox

To create a bank account in Sandbox you can use the fake account details from the example request body on the right.
You can also create a fake bank account with your own preferred details. However, bank accounts in sandbox must follow the basic bank account rules from the real world for a particular country.
Follow these guidelines to create your own fake bank account in sandbox:

  • The bank account currency must be supported by Coinify. You can retrieve this info by calling the Payment Methods endpoint.
  • The Bank SWIFT/BIC code must contain a valid country code on the 5th and 6th character of the code itself, e.g XXXXDKXX and the valid length is 8 or 11 chars.
  • IBAN account number should start with a valid 2-letter country code. The IBAN country code must match the country code from which the bank’s SWIFT/BIC code originates. E.g. if the bank’s BIC code is from Denmark, the IBAN should start with “DK”.
  • The IBAN must be from a Coinify supported country. See Supported Countries list.
  • The IBAN account number must have a length which is valid for the specific country.

You can easily look up the SWIFT/BIC bank codes and IBAN basic structure for a specific country online.

Request object

The parameters in the request object are as follows:

accountObjectRequired Object with additional information about the bank account.
nameStringOptionalOptional name for the trader to identify the account.
currencyStringRequiredCurrency of the bank account.
bicStringRequiredFor sepa and international it's the SWIFT / BIC number and for danish accounts it's the REG number.
numberStringRequiredFor sepa and international it's the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). For danish accounts, it's the BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number).
ffcStringFor further credit - only applicable for USD bankaccounts and if required by traders bank
bankObjectRequired for non-SEPA paymentsObject with additional information about the bank.
addressObjectRequiredObject with information about the address of bank.
    →countryStringRequiredISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
    →stateStringState (Required for country US).
holderObjectRequiredObject with additional information about the bank account holder.
nameStringRequiredName of the bank account holder.
addressObjectRequiredObject with information about the address of the account holder.
    →streetStringRequiredStreet address.
    →zipcodeStringOptionalZip/Postal code.
    →stateStringRequiredState. Required for country US
    →countryStringRequiredISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
HTTP Response codeJSON data
201 CreatedSuccess, response as shown to the right.
400 Bad requestError, interpreting the request (missing parameters).
401 UnauthorizedError, access token missing.
HTTP status codeError code Description
400missing_argumentThere was something wrong with the signup request. See the error_description argument for a specific, human-readable error message.
400invalid_argumentThere was something wrong with the signup request. See the error_description argument for a specific, human-readable error message.
400invalid_ibanProvided account.number is an invalid IBAN. This is only for SEPA countries.

List bank accounts

Example request for GET /bank-accounts

      "id": 12345, // Identifier of the bank account
      "account": {
        "type": "danish", // Type of bank account
        "currency": "DKK", // Currency of the bank account
        "bic": "6456", // Account bic/swift/reg number depending on the type
        "number": "12345435345345" // Account number
      "bank": {
        "address": { // Address of the bank
          "country": "DK"
      "holder": {
        "name": "John Doe", // Name of the account holder
        "address": { // Address of the account holder
          "street": "123 Example Street",
          "zipcode": "12345",
          "city": "Exampleville",
          "state": "CA",
          "country": "US"
      "update_time": "2016-04-01T12:27:36Z",
      "create_time": "2016-04-01T12:23:19Z"
      // Next bank-account...


On success, the endpoint returns a list of bank-account objects for the current trader.

The accounts are ordered by id (highest first).

HTTP Response codeJSON data
200 OKSuccess, response as shown to the right.
401 UnauthorizedError, access token missing.
404 Not foundError, no bank accounts found.

Get bank account

Example request for GET /bank-accounts/12345

  "id": 12345, // Identifier of the bank account
  "account": {
    "type": "danish", // Type of bank account
    "currency": "DKK", // Currency of the bank account
    "bic": "6456", // Account bic/swift/reg number depending on the type
    "number": "12345435345345" // Account number
  "bank": {
    "address": { // Address of the bank
      "country": "DK"
  "holder": {
    "name": "John Doe", // Name of the account holder
    "address": { // Address of the account holder
      "street": "123 Example Street",
      "zipcode": "12345",
      "city": "Exampleville",
      "state": "CA",
      "country": "US"
  "update_time": "2016-04-01T12:27:36Z",
  "create_time": "2016-04-01T12:23:19Z"


On success, the endpoint returns a bank-account object.

HTTP Response codeJSON data
200 OKSuccess, response as shown to the right.
401 UnauthorizedError, access token missing.
403 ForbiddenError, the supplied access token doesn’t have the rights to delete this bank-account.
404 Not foundError, bank-account is not found.

Delete bank account


Deletes a bank account.

HTTP Response codeDescription
204 No ContentSuccess, empty response.
401 Unauthorizedaccess token missing.
403 ForbiddenThe supplied access token doesn’t have the rights to delete this bank-account.
404 Not foundbank-account is not found.